An Art Installation - Fine Art on Toilet Paper

When I was 10 years old, my mother took me to the local book fair in our small town surrounded by evergreen mountains and expansive tea plantations. I breathed with innocent excitement as she exchanged months’ savings for my first international artbook.

Back home, I turned the first page as my gaze fixed onto an infinite maze of myriad lines irregularly splattered across green, blue, and yellow disproportionate figures. I stared at the painting for minutes, not knowing why it held my mind captive for so long. Awe-struck and mystically inspired by an attentive oscillation between its seemingly random components. At that moment, I knew that I would create this artistically powerful vibe only with an inventive expression and when I had something deeply meaningful to share.

A decade later, trekking through the deep Himalayan forests in search of a higher sense of personal mastery, I found myself stuck in a landslide, shoes drenched, near frozen. As the sun began to set, rainfall turned to heavy snowfall. With fading howls of unknown creatures in the distance, I did not know if I would survive the cold unfamiliar night. As if the silent universe heard me, in the shadowy distance, a light from a radiating abode drew me closer. I saw a wooden hut with no door and an ageless face sitting in the middle of the floor with eyes closed and an over-powering sense of calm. It was a silent invitation into a journey of not knowing who I would become. In those cold enlightening hours that warmed up my energy, I learnt the secret of Ancient Indian wisdom of the Phases of Development of the Human Mind, an enlightening teaching that became the inspiration for this painting.

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